Dibilitating Cramps (Longggg Post But Please Read)


Let me say this first, I am not over exaggerating. I’ve had regular periods since I was 12 and I’ve felt regular cramps before. I hate when I explain this & someone says “you’ve never had bad cramps before?” 🙄

Since I started trying to conceive this January, my periods have become irregular, and very painful. I always have pain during ovulation but never had period pains that stood out until we started trying, but then again, you start to notice a lot when you’re TTC. 😒

ANYWAYS, the other day I woke up and felt that my period was gonna start that day. No doubt. My best friend called me while I was still in bed and asked me to ride with her somewhere about an hour away, and I did.

On our way home, the cramps started. I have not given birth ever but I can only describe them as extremely strong contractions. I thought I was dying. I’m not kidding. I started vomiting in her car. I couldn’t even be talked to. I threw up so much and the cramps just got worse and I was about to pass tf out, slipping in and out of sleep during all of this and wholeheartedly believing I was dying.

She stopped at a gas station cause well, I just filled a trash bag with puke. I go to the bathroom and I was in there for 30 mins at least. Sweating from head to toe nodding in and out of sleep just feeling this pain contracting my uterus I thought a damn baby might fall out of me into the toilet knowing damn well I wasn’t pregnant, it hurt so bad. It’d stop for literally one second and I could breathe and it just ughhh right back to KILLING ME!!

I finally got the strength to come out of the bathroom, covered in sweat and very dazed. I got to the car and told her I am not ok, I need to go to the hospital. It was about 30 mins away. So I’m still going through this horrible pain but it slowly slows down but is manageable right before we got to the hospital. So we turned around and she took me home and I slept the whole day until 7:30 PM.

Since then I haven’t had anymore cramps and I’m now on day 5 of my period. But I have neverrrrrr in my life felt that much pain I literally thought I was going to die. I don’t wanna sound like an over dramatic sissy but this is the only way to describe it to get across how bad it hurt. Each month my period has gotten more painful. I’m so scared for next month at this point.

This physical pain along with the general sadness of getting your period after TTC was just the worst. Again I’m sorry for the long post but idk who else to talk to about this that would understand or may have gone through the same thing. I do have my first appointment with an OB May 23rd but you know, this is killing me and I just wanna know what is wrong.

Thanks for getting through this long post!! Any advice or help or personal experience stories is appreciated. 🙏🏼