2 Miscarriages 8 weeks pregnant


Hey you guys. I’m trying to see if I’m the only one having this problem.

I have had 2 miscarriages, each time it wasn’t really hard to get pregnant . Both times I miscarried at the same exact time at 8 weeks. I don’t understand why it happens like that and my doctor told me it’s normal to have miscarriages before having a full term baby but I feel like something could be wrong with me. My doctor told me to wait on going to a fertility specialist, should I? Having multiple miscarriages is really that normal? My first was 2 years before my second one so its not like it happened one after the other but I’m just so confused . My last miscarriage was in January 2019. Me and my husband have just started trying again this week! We’re praying we can have a rainbow baby this year! Any advice is appreciated . Pray for me !!!