Everyone assumes this baby was an “accident”

I’m 23 and my husband is 27. We’ve been together since I was 16. We have lived together since I was 18 and have been 100% independent and responsible for our finances since then. We have our own home and are doing well financially. We had our first when I was 21 and started trying for our second when he was 8 months old. We wanted to have them close in age because it would be easier for me to stay home with both at the same time. I hate that I have to explain that at all. Our parents in particular assume this baby is an accident and will slip up and make comments about how he wasn’t planned. We have specifically told them he was. HE WAS PLANNED. Oh my god. I know I shouldn’t care, but it makes me feel bad. It seems like no one outside of me and my husband are excited for this baby and it sucks! Having a second child isn’t a burden for anyone in any way. We don’t need help or expect anyone to buy this baby things. Where is the excitement for this new life and why does everyone automatically assume he was an accident? 😒