TTC Under 20

My 15 year old niece is staying with me for a bit while her parents (bro and his wife) work through some stuff. Please note I’m not a parent so I may be overreacting, not sure 🤷🏾‍♀️

Anyways turns out we’re both on Glow and she’s part of the TTC Under 20 Group!! WTH?!?! I haven’t asked her about it because I’m not sure what to say or even if it’s my place to say anything. She’s probably not TTC at 15, right? I want to respect her privacy but I also worry she may be seeking solace in sex as an escape from the ugliness at home with her parents. Are 15 year olds sexually active? Why is there a TTC Group for teens anyways? I know 18 yos are adults blah blah blah but still...

Do I talk to her, do I tell the parents, what do I do? Any advice would be appreciated