

This little boy is stressin me out! 28+3 & he has not developed ANY pattern.

My daughter was pretty predictable by this point so when her movements decreased around 26/27 weeks I knew something was up. She got engaged early & I started having some preterm scares. Luckily made it to 37 weeks but it’s because of her pattern is how I knew.

This little one however has no consistency. He’ll go days of kicking throughout the day & night followed by days of hardly any movement. I also have an anterior placenta so I don’t know whether that is to blame or if he’s more chill but I never know if it’s time to worry or not.

Last week he was busy but started slowing down on Friday. Saturday barely felt anything all day until that evening. Yesterday he was moving throughout the day but stopped last night & I’ve felt about 2 movements since then.

Would you go in to get checked? I felt as he got bigger it’d be more easy to feel him but so far it’s not 😩