Potty training my March toddler


Update - day 6 DAYCARE- FAIL!!! Woke up he went potty had milk and went to daycare I let them know he is potty training and needs to be promoted to use the potty and to also put a nappy on him during naps. They didn’t do the nap diaper they simply forgot then continued to tell me I didn’t tell them. 🙄 lil man had 3 accidents and 2 were poo! The 4th I’m not counting because it was the nap time one but 1 wee and 2 ooo accidents . Then we came home and he was fine telling me he needed to go.

I don’t know what to do 🥺 should I not potty train at daycare? He goes once a week

I wrote a post about potty training my March toddler (26 month old) the other day annoyed and frustrated and defeated I wanted to give up. I didn’t. We are on day 6 and he has been waking up dry from his naps. He also woke up dry from his night time nap today and since yesterday has walked himself over to the potty on his own to do his business. After tears and tantrums mainly on my end these past few days I think he’s learnt now. I am going to attemp a small outing today to do small errands since he managed to stay dry on our outing the other day and our park adventure yesterday.

I’m very proud of my little man, I know there will be accidents but I’m very happy. Any mums scared to potty train or holding off if you take the leap hang in there. They will pick it up.