I feel so lost when I know i shouldnt


I'm 37 weeks pregnant today and got fired not even an hour ago.

Ive missed a bit of work due to pregnancy/dental emergencies and emergencies with a family member. Pregnancy emergencies when i was hospitalized or or on bed rest, i had Dr notes. My 92 year old grandma being in the hospital and thinking shes on her death bed, I do not have dr notes for obviously.

When i was hired at that job 6 months ago, i was promised and reasurred my emergencies and pregnancy complications would be excused as they are staffed well enough to cover anything. Was told that i was valued and they wanted me to move up with their company so they would protect me and my position. But had recently created a new point system that over rules all those promises as the store manager that promised those things just quit herself. Lololol. So I had too many points and they decided to fire me today. My department manager was going to excuse almost all of them as he is able to for college students and for other people but im about 95% sure the STORE managers dont like me and wanted me gone so chose not to excuse them.

Im not too worried about being unemployed. I was going to try and work up until i have our baby but I'll gladly take this as time to prepare! Dr is talking about inducing me early anyways.

But what do i do with myself now?! I have bad depression and will literally sleep days and days away. My husband works a lot so I'm going to be so bored and lonesome...

What should i do to keep myself busy???

Should i look for a super part time job for entertainment and pocket money? (Mybe a greenhouse/flower shop or a bakery?)

Nursery is 95% ready! I just want him here already!

Should I get unemployment??? How does that even work?!

All the projects i really want to do are kind of unsafe to do alone with how pregnant i am lol

I don't have many friends and the good friends i do have live hours away and are super busy. I dont think i could stand sitting in a car for hours right now..

Somebody help!!