Everyone just take a nice deep breath with me


In and out.Ahhhhhh. I'm wondering to myself why on earth we would want another kiddo. We have dealt with EVERY age of childhood. Currently? 20 years 18 years 11 years and 2.5 years and now I'm almost 19 weeks. Bahahaha what were we thinking? Definitally cant wait to get my tubes tied after this because man oh man I am beat. (Fyi the 20 and 18 year old are my stepsons but my hubby has had custody since 3 and 5 and I have been in their life since 8 and 10) and then I wonder how on earth do the duggars do it with their 100000000 kids? Do they have nanny's? Or are they just so blissfully ignorant of the stress of kids? I mean they do say ignorance is bliss right?🤗