Beyond pissed. Please help calm my nerves


So I was online to someone and here’s the convo and why I’m pissed

Them: when was the last time you were truly scared?

Me: when my daughter was 6 days old and stopped breathing

Them: LOL

Me: That’s not a laughing matter and seriously how rude

Them: did IT die (yes they called my daughter an it)

Me: my daughter was dying it’s not funny, she’s okay now but near death experience isn’t funny.

I then blocked them because I was about to say shot that would have been horrible but I’m beyond pissed and I can’t seem to calm down

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Posted at
They sound like a child, not when worth another servings of your time. Kiss that little one and just forget about it ❤️❤️❤️


Fo • May 8, 2019


Posted at
😳😯 wow!!! People are so bold when they are sitting behind a computer or on their phones. I'm so sorry someone tried to belittle your experience. I would have been so scared too!!!


Posted at
That’s absolutely horrible!!! I can somewhat relate to this. I can see my ex-best friend would say something like that. He resents my new little family since I’m currently busy with work along with taking care of the LO and not able to hang out with him or assist him in seeking for a boyfriend anymore. He said things here and there; but once he made a remark about how selfish I am for getting pregnant/deciding to have my own baby while the world is overpopulated and there are a lot of abandoned babies that are still in need of a good home, I’ve decided to block him out of my life for good.