Sorry child but I refuse to let you come yet

MaryElizabeth • Pilot wife 💛 Wesley Michael 💙

My husband and I have been at L&D for around an hour because someone is trying to make an appearance 6.5 weeks early. I just thought they were Braxton Hicks and I would get sent home right away. I was definitely wrong. It's 10:15pm so we're waiting to here from my OB what the next step is going to be. Praying my little man will stay put for a little longer 🙏

Update: after 5 hours at the birthing center but no dilation I opted to go home. I'm still having contractions but I didn't want to sit in that bed all night, and make my husband sleep in a chair. I see my doctor at 1:45 today, hopefully he has some answers.

Oh and I just thought this picture of my husband was absolutely adorable.