Advice please!


So my little girl has been breech for the past almost 10 weeks. I’ve been on SpinningBabies, I’ve YouTubed and researched different things to try and get her to flip but nothing is working right now. I have an ultrasound set up for next Monday (I’ll be 36+3 weeks) to see what her positioning is exactly, but the issue we ran into is that the hospital where i will be delivering her doesn’t do version. Instead they can refer me to a bigger hospital about 3 hours away to have it done. My husband and I are just curious if it’s even worth making the trip that far for it. We really want to avoid a c-section because we have another baby at home who will be a little over a year old who still needs taken care of as well. We don’t have any outside help so I’ll be doing it all on my own until my husband gets off work for the day. I know there’s always the possibility that she’ll flip on her own but just makes me nervous and anxious since it’s been 10 weeks already and she hasn’t flipped once