FINALLY ready for divorce. And I'm at peace about it. No yelling no crying. Just DONE. Proud of me!!

I've been asking my husband for YEARS for the same things. Communication Affection Honesty Loyalty. That's IT. He has never even TRIED to do ANY of it. He never touches me or show any affection unless he wants sex. I've been HORNY AF for like two weeks but I REFUSE to let him touch me. We fight about that religiously because if I'm not getting what I need out of the relationship, then neither are you. He never communicate with me AT ALL about ANYTHING. I hate it!! He tells people things all the time IN FRONT OF ME and never even told me. I'm his WIFE I should be the first to know everything. Obviously he doesn't think so. He gets very disrespectful when I try to talk to him like an adult. He's a liar( which is why I think he doesn't tell me anything cause he'll know I know he's lying). He's cheated before and been caught looking at womeon on social media which we no longer have cause I can't trust him. I kept trying and trying to talk through it and try to understand his side but he's childish af and I'm over it. I made up my mine two days ago that I'm done. I think he knows this time I really mean it because he's been doing everything I've been asking for 5 YEARS just in the last two days. But I'm no fool. I know it's just a front. But what he doesn't know is that I'm secretly moving small items at a time to my mom's house since I go there everyday. He can be an abusive ass so that's why I'm doing it the way i am. He thinks everything is fine and I've gotten over my anger. But little does he know. As soon as I get those papers I'm leaving them on the coffee table with a nice little note and the house EMPTY. I. AM. DONE!! I can't get back those 10 years but I can definitely make the next 10 the best 10. Just needed to vent.