One baby, two placentas


I went today to maternal fetal medicine for an echo on my daughter. I’m 24 weeks, her heart was perfectly fine. But toward the end of the exam the tech went to get the doctor. He came in and preformed another ultrasound and said he saw what the tech saw. He said I have two placentas. They do not connect and she has a single ventricle umbilical cord. He did not seem concerned. He said he just needed my doctor to know so that when she delivered she didn’t leave anything inside me. And if I wasn’t already scheduled for a c-section I would need to be. I wasn’t sure what to ask at the time and now I have a million questions. I was worried about her heart which thank god is fine. I never dreamed I’d come out with another issue. Has anyone ever heard of this or had this happen? What causes it? Should I be worried? He did tell me my OB would be calling after she reviewed my file. But it was toward the end of the day so I imagine it will be tomorrow before she calls.