check your vitamin d ASAP


After 4 miscarriages and 3 tubal pregnancies in 5 years I finally went to the fertility doctor which was about 8 months ago. I have had every test done imaginable my husband has also been test and no one could ever tell me what was wrong. I have "unexplained infertility" well my last trip to the fertility doctor she told me the ONLY thing that was wrong with my blood work was my vitamin d levels and I should maybe take some supplements THAT WAS IT! nothing about how it could affect my fertility or anything!! I recently decided to start researching vitamin d deficiency and OMG if you didn't know it has EVERYTHING to do with infertility. please get on YouTube and search vitamin d and trying to convince and then call your doctor and have your vitamin d levels checked ASAP!!! my levels at the fertility doctor were 23.5 (healthy range is 50+)I am having them retested on Friday.