Alien Vagina 😭 Am I normal?

Growing up my sister used to make fun of me so badly about how my vagina looked (she’s only 10 months older then me).

To the point that I don’t feel beautiful at all about myself.

And I refuse to wear solid colored bathing suits so no one can see the outline of my Vagina and refuse to allow my husband to see me naked.

She used to call me “godclitta” “clitmas tree” “tyrannosaurus clit” you name it, she’s said it from 6 years old all the way up to 25Ish! All because my Vagina didn’t look like hers! (Hers is like #1 or #25, meanwhile mine is a 28 😣)

All vaginas I see while watching porn, looks just like hers!

Am I alone!? Which number best represents you?