Idk why I’m doing this to myself....

I got out of a very toxic relationship around December. My ex and I were together and live together for a year. He’s a narcissist !!!

We went 3 months w/out talking or trying to reach each other after the brake up.

Out of the blue he texted me one day...Anddd since then we haven’t stop texting back and forth. We spend a couple of weekends together so far.

It’s been 3 weeks since I saw him last... We talk and text but I don’t thing that’s enough. Not even enough when he keeps telling me that I ignored him just because I’m working a lot and focusing on my goals. Goals that I wanted to share with him in the past but not in the future.

We have diff work schedules... I work M-F

Him during the week and have every other weekend off. He’s a CNA trying to be a real state. Me a Ph Tech working on getting a pharmacy degree, and buy a house soon. I have a wonderful job and it’s growing tremendously. Am I dumb or what ??? I feel like I deserve so much better and let’s not talk about how he treats me at times... 😐

One day he wants to work things out and the other he wants to act single...

I’m so confused !!!! I feel like this time I should move on and continue with my life again.

I don’t miss him at all. I do and don’t want to be with him. I know I deserve better but I love him and care for him at the same time.

Any advices ladies would help alotttttt ...

Thanks in advance ☺️💜