I feel too old for this shit.

So I've been seeing this guy for about 3 weeks and we really hit it off right away. Best first date I've ever had. We clicked right away, I guess he told his family about me after the first date. We've been on a few dates since and it's just felt so natural. He even volunteered to come to a family reunion, which surprised me.

I feel hit with this strange sensation whenever I see him, like I could totally spend the rest of my life with this guy. I didn't even feel that strongly about my ex-husband until a year into it. I was kinda convinced he felt the same way.

Well. I caved and slept with him. 🤦 He's been more distant since the day after it happened. It was good sex so I doubt that was the issue.

He still texts me throughout the day but it's not the over-the-top sweet nothings anymore and it's not the awesome kind of conversation we were having, but still warm and friendly enough.

The anxiety was getting the better of me today so I told him I had no intentions of pressuring him into anything and that if meeting my family was too soon, I'd understand and we could take things slower.

He reassured me that while he thinks things have progressed quicker than he anticipated, it's not a bad thing and that from his perspective he doesn't think I should worry because he likes me and wants to see where this goes.

Cool. I feel reassured.

Then we talk on the phone tonight and it was pretty short and sweet. We narrow down plans to go to the movies on Friday and brainstorm ideas on a restaurant. Banter lightly for a few minutes about our day. Then he kinda...dismisses me so that I can get some sleep? 🤔

Idfk. I just feel too old to be deciphering the hot and cold shit. I'm trying not to worry (or project that worrying) but I really like this one and don't want him to be another that walks away. Part of me (i.e. anxiety) thinks I should break it off before he hurts me. The other part thinks he's trying to sort some shit out and considers our conversations a distraction. The other part of me wonders if he got what he wanted and is losing interest.

What should I do? The last thing I want is to appear desparate.