Anyone had a lighter FRER that ended up not being MC?


Hey there. I know this is totally neurotic. I know I need to just wait patiently to see how things turn out. I’ve had two miscarriages in the last two years, though, so I can’t help but worry.

Can you guys weigh in if possible?

I know there’s variation between individual home tests. I’m newly pregnant (3w5d), and lines have been getting progressively darker (and got first beta drawn yesterday - 33). Until this morning...the FRER is visibly lighter than last night’s, even though I took today’s test with FMU.

My question, have any of you had a random lighter FRER from time to time and gone on to have healthy pregnancies? Trying to figure out if I stay thrilled or should gently maybe brace for a third loss.

Thank, guys. xoxo