Vivid dreaming


My dreams are really fucking with me lately. This is my second pregnancy, with my first I NEVER had these vivid dreams. Or really even dreamt. Nothing was different about my sleep.

But now, holy cow, they are something else!! I can't believe how real, and crazy they can get. One night I dreamt my husband lost both of his legs, I was terrified and so heart broken. When I woke up I immediately hugged his legs lol. Last night I dreamt that the doctors got it wrong, and I actually had a girl instead of a boy and it was like as if I was actually holding a real baby and going through all the emotions with it. I mean I guess now I know we will have cute a daughter if we ever have one lol.

I thought others were crazy when they would say they had such realistic dreams while pregnant. I seem to only have them when I'm in a deep sleep, so not every night but they are becoming more frequent.

If you had these, when do they typically stop?