Crib sleep

Iviwe 🇿🇦 • COG

So yesterday was such a fail. We tried to get the baby to sleep in her crib. The laying down is fine the problem starts when she wakes up after the first 2 hrs. She strains her voice and screams like she's being murdered and doesn't calm down AT ALL. Yesterday she cried almost an hour with no end in sight even when being patted and held. So no the CIO method will not work on her because she'll cry until she is out of breath. I'm at a loss as to how to get her to sleep all night in her crib. For now I'll be putting her down in it for the first sleep and pray that gets longer on its own eventually.😭😭

She's never slept over 3 hours since she turned 4 months (she's now 6 months) so I'm used to no sleep but I was just hopeful that if shes in her crib she'd sleep better.

I'm exhausted and actually traumatised by last night 😓