Kai rolled off the bed today... 🙁


I had put Kai on my bed to get him dressed... i should have put him in the middle of the bed, i should have put him in his cot... but i didn't, i put him on the edge of the bed... i put him there as i was changing him and i then left him there to go into his room to find him some shoes.. i should have then moved him to the middle of the bed.. his feet were dangling off the edge of the bed, i thought he'd be fine... he was laying on his back... pretty silly to think he's be fine when he can wriggle and roll and crawl now... i was in his room looking for some shoes and i hear a thump, for a split second i thought "what was that?" And then it went to denial "That wasn't him was it? It can't have been him..." so many thoughts went through my head in that 1 second than any other time in my life... i ran into the room and he wasn't on the bed... i look down and he's face down the floor wooden TILES! I ran and picked him up and he was crying and screaming, the tiles are obviously hard and he fell forhead first, i ran to my phone balling my eyes out with him in my arms and called my mother because i couldn't get hold of my partner (he was working and doesn't have a phone) she told me to just keep an eye on him. I did and he was perfectly fine. Not acting abnormal or anything so i took him to the park to keep him awake, he was all smiling seemed to be completely fine...

Lesson learned... don't leave baby on the bed by himself. I've ever witnessed him crawling across the bed so i don't know why i thought it was a smart idea to leave him in his own.

I can just imagine how much it would have hurt him :( he did end up having a put lump on his forhead but it's gone now, tough little cookie.

Ugh, i've heard stories about it happening but never thought it would happen to me! Scariest thing ever. So glad he's okay.