

Hi everyone, so I took an opk 3 times yesterday which was all positive. I also had cramps. I had sex twice yesterday as well but... I took another one not that long ago and it’s also positive again and I am also having cramps. I’m unable to have sex tonight bc hubby is at work 😭 I’m super confused on what to do and when I actually ovulated... my hubbys sperm is good but I believe he has abnormally shaped sperm via sperm analysis.. please help!!

Forgot to add that I also did have a vivid dream today, and did masturbate. And I’m a lil worried bc when I’ve taken an opk during my previous cycles, I’m pretty sure it’d be negative the next day and I wouldn’t have any cramping that same next day. I usually think I ovulate the same day as my positive opk for all my cycles since I usually don’t cramp again the next day.