Excruciating cramps


So yesterday I started my period, and like almost skipped the spotting part, just right to a heavy flow. A heavy flow and painful cramps are pretty normal for me.

But when I went to bed the cramps were getying so intense and painful they woke me up, so I went to go to the bathroom amd they just kept getting worse with a quickness. SO intense and SO painful.

I have a pretty high pain tolerance but these were excruciatingly painful. So painful I barely made it back into my bedroom. I collapsed on the way in and couldn't do much more except for crawl. They continued to be extremely painful to where i was passing out from it but it was also keeping me awake. I ended up getting very nauseous from it and puking up everything in my stomach.

I laid there passing out and snapping awake until they finally eased up enough to where i stayed passed out.

It scared me alot and I'm not sure what was happening. I've never had it that bad before..

Anyone ever have this happen to them? Or any ideas of what it could be/of been?😭