Hope for the hopeless


This will be long but please bare with me, you may very well be blessed just as I was.

Today at church a speaker was giving his testimony. In that testimony he told a story of him leading a man to Christ. 8 days after he led that man to Christ he received a call from that man’s mother. She proceeded to ask him if he was the one who led her son to Christ. He replied yes ma’am, I am. The man’s mother proceeded to tell him she had been praying for son to get saved for 8 years. She told him that she truly believes God sent him to her son, it was all in his plan. She then told him that 2 days after her son was saved he was traveling on a motorcycle and was in an accident, and he passed away. She thanked him for his testimony he shared with her son and for his help in leading her son to Christ.

He then told the woman that he would be sharing his testimony on Mother’s Day at a church and asked if she minded if he included/shared this story. The woman approved, and he asked her is there anything you’d like me to tell the mothers?

She replied, yes, tell all of those mothers that God hears their prayers, he hears them, he hasn’t forgotten. Tell them do not give up hope.

I wanted to share this today in hopes that it will reach someone who needs to hear it. I know that I was one of those women who needed to hear it. I have really been struggling this week, with depression. My husband and I have been ttc for 2 years now, and I started my period again this week. For the past year I have been in a pretty good place with it all, unlike the first year when I was in a dark place. I have learned to manage me emotions and not to let myself fall into that depression( with the help of the Lord of course). I have grown closer to the lord and he has brought me so much hope and joy in this trial. I have fully leaned on him and put every once of faith in him, and let me tell you he has been good to me. A few weeks ago my husband was tested and his results came back 100% normal, as the doctor said “ your baby maker is working at 100% capacity, you have no issues”. A blessing for sure!! We rejoiced over that and I thanked God several times for yet another answered prayer. I was happy and joyful, I went on about my life. Fast forward to a few weeks later, my period comes. Now this time it hit me harder than it usually does, intact usually (lately anyway) I have been very positive about it and didn’t really get upset. But this was different, I felt instant disappointment and it was all down hill from there. I cried at least 3 times at work over something else, I’m not really a cryer so I know this was because I was upset over yet another month of not being pregnant. I can’t even tell you how many times I cried this week, certainly every night until I fell a sleep, but several random times during the day too. The thoughts that have gone through my mind this week have just been negative, I realize I am now struggling again because I know my husband is good. So in my head I’m thinking yet another month (2 years total) of not being pregnant because of something that’s wrong in me, it’s me. I cried every night thinking to myself why can’t I get pregnant, what is wrong with me now? ( a little back history, I have 1 child 9 years old from a previous relationship) So I’m ttc baby #2, but it has been a while. What I know ? I have been pregnant and had a baby once before. Also for some reason I can not seem to get pregnant now. Don’t get me wrong I know I’m blessed that I at least have 1 child, but that doesn’t make it any easier. So anyways this week has been hard, sad, and just gloomy. I have been so emotional. And I haven’t experienced this in such a long time, so it hit me like super hard. This time, this period starting, well it was just different. I mean honestly I was even in tears a few times in Sunday school this morning for no reason, just couldn’t hold it together. But this testimony, what this woman wanted us to hear, that spoke volumes to me. As I heard the words I just wept. God knew I needed to hear that today, he knew I needed reminding that he still hears my prayers and he hasn’t forgotten me. I was truly blessed by the words that woman wanted shared with us. I needed that, really really needed it. I hope that this reaches another women in need and brings you hope as it did me. I’d like to also pray for any women out there struggling to conceive. I pray that God brings you comfort and peace in this trial. I pray that your hearts will be filled with joy, and your faith strong. And lastly I pray that God blesses each of you with that precious miracle you have been longing for!