Working & Pregnant.


Okay girls, I need help. I’m 29W1D pregnant. My boss has already cut down my hours (it’s not only me though. Business of being really slow) they were telling me 2-3 weeks from my due date they are gonna take me off of the schedule. I think that’s complete bull crap. I think that if I’m able to work UP TO THE DAY then I should be allowed to work!? Is that not how it goes? If there is a legal way or whatever, where can I see and read about it? I’m stressing out. How am I supposed to pay rent and my bills if they’re gonna take me off of work. Because maternity leave only covers 6weeks if everything goes good in the state of Hawai’i. So not being at work 2-3weeks off of maternity and then an extra 6 weeks? It’s making me crazy and stressing me out.