Dating struggle.


Hi ladies and I guess gentlemen???

Im struggling with dating. I love sex and all but I want something genuine and I’m pretty up front about this.... however I feel like I get played or ghosted and I’m not sure if I’m doing things wrong? I’m blunt. I’m not a person who plays game. I work hard and I can take care of myself. I’m fiercely independent. Am I just defective :(

It’s hard enough being asked when I’m going to have a boyfriend and when to make babies. I definitely want that but the whole family being on me like that because I’m 28 has been making me feel a lot of anxiety.

My last bf (first and only) was when I was 20. Since then I focused mostly on my education and career and myself. As I have depression and anxiety. I walked away from toxic friendships about 8 months ago. I’m not perfect, but I’m genuine....

Maybe I’m too independent ?

Too blunt?

Too awkward? I can be pretty shy and nervous ramble.