40+2 wks & trying stay positive

My due date was back on the 11th. I have been having cramps/contractions since 33wks and I’m just so over the feeling that I want it to turn into active labor already! It’s becoming so frustrating and making me irritable. The pelvic pains and aches are wearing on me and I am doing my best to stay positive. I keep telling myself she will come when she is good and ready, but I am starting to think she won’t. My induction date is set for the 17th and I always feel so guilty to being induced because I feel like my body, that should be able to do this one thing all on its own, cannot even put itself into active labor naturally. I also feel being induced was always more painful for me than going into labor naturally. My patience is running really low. I don’t know if I could continue to go through these sporadic contractions any longer since I’ve been feeling them for over 10wks now and they aren’t progressing at all for me. I’m feeling like there is no change. I’ve been at a 1cm since 33wks as well. No change. Also, my mom leaves early on the 18th back to our hometown so she won’t be here much longer. Timing is just not going well and I’d like for her to be here a bit longer after baby is born, but she has a non-refundable plane ticket. Oh, also, this is my fifth pregnancy! Ugh...