Here’s my birth story...getting induced at 37 weeks


Hi guys! I’m so excited to share my story with you. Reading everyone’s birth stories has been my favorite part so I’m very excited to share mine with you.

May 10th, 2019. I teach kindergarten and we had a field trip planned for this day. I went to work, we went on our field trip (I was on my feet walking all day), then I had a Drs. appointment at 5:00 to check on baby and to check and see if I was dilated any. Starting at around 16 weeks I developed gestational hypertension and was put on blood pressure medicine for it, and had a plan induction date for May 20th. My blood pressure after being on the medicine always was normal at each drs appointment. I went in and the nurse did my blood pressure and it was high. 154/90. My dr went ahead and told me to go L&D to get monitored. I’m freaking out at this point because my husband works out of town and all the highways coming into town were shut down due to flooding. I told him he needed get here now. I was not planning on getting induced that night. I went home and packed a bag just in case ( I was so not prepared and hadn’t gotten around to packing our hospital bags yet), and went to the hospital and my best friend met me there so I didn’t have to be alone until my husband got there. They checked my blood pressure and it had gone down some but not much at all. They tested my urine and blood to see if I had preeclampsia which it turns out I did. My highest reading got to 189/88 and things got scary real fast. My husband got there and then I got admitted and was told I was getting induced tonight. They started with a foley balloon catheter then after that came out I was 4 cm and so they broke my water and started pitocin. After they broke my water my contractions got super intense. I got the epidural and felt 1,000 times better. Didn’t feel anything at all. Got to sleep a little. Woke up next morning I was still only dilated to a 6. But all of a sudden I went from a 6 to fully complete and ready to push. I pushed for about 45 min and he was here! 6 pounds 3 oz! I honestly had such a good birthing experience. I was hardly in any pain. Now the pain after giving birth is a totally different story 😬