So after an year and a few months, I felt sick (which is weird because I’m rarely.. RARELY sick). I decided to go to my primary doctor to see why I’m sick, after a few questions & urinary samples, sis told me that I’m pregnant. 😭 Of course I’m shocked because the whole point of me getting on an IUD is to prevent pregnancy. Next day I’m at my ob-gyn and I find out that I’m 4 weeks, she told me that my IUD moved to my cervix and it was just sitting there. They took my blood on Friday & another test Sunday to ensure that my hormone levels aren’t too low. Note that I am 18 (just recently turned 18), so everything is brand new to me especially with pregnancy. I believe I am having some implantation bleeding but do I still have the bleeding if the pregnancy is ectopic ? If the pregnancy is okay, of course I’m keeping the baby but i just want to know if I am fine before I give my own hopes up.