Feeling frustrated


My first pregnancy was a breeze, this one hasn't been so easy. I dont know if its just because I have a 3 yr old running around to keep up with or just a harder pregnancy. I'm 34 weeks and they were starting to get concerned that my baby might be too big. I had problems with my first and he wasn't even that big. So I had an ultrasound today, we didnt want to know gender so we haven't found out. The ultrasound tech warned me when she went to that area but then said I could look again as she was checking its spine. Well the baby stretched its legs out and I saw what I thought looked like a sack. The tech never said anything but I'm kinda disappointed, not that I think it's a boy but that I feel like I know. I really wanted to be surprised. Anyways so the doctor comes in and says the baby is actually measuring small, 23rd percentile, and I'll have to start getting non stress tests at 36 weeks, twice a week. I'm just starting to worry that I wont be able to do all this around my full time work schedule. That's 3 appointments a week that I'll have to try and fit in. I'm sure this is all just hormones... just needed to vent.