No Gestational sac at 5 weeks 😞

Today I went into the doctor because I have been having right sided pain since May 5th that was the day before I found out I was pregnant. The pain radiated down my legs and deep into my pelvis. Today the ultrasound showed there was a Cyst that ruptured and they think it’s the Corpus Luteum cyst that ruptured. They saw free fluid and blood in the abdomen. They said to take Tylenol and I should be fine. They also checked for a gestational sac which they couldn’t find. She told me it was very early so she wants to see me back next week and when I come back next week she expects to see a gestational sac. If not then the pregnancy is most likely to fail. I had my HCG drawn on Tuesday May May 7th that came back as 41 & Progesterone was 31 and I had another Beta on May 10 still awaiting those results. They sent me for a 3rd beta this morning and progesterone as well. I’ve been on progesterone supplements since 3 days after ovulation so she told me that even though the corpus Luteum ruptured I should be okay. I didn’t have a great Mother’s Day because my weekend was full of anxiety. I’m praying this turns out well. Anyone had an early ultrasound showing nothing and find it a week or more later???