Medically Managed Miscarriage Update


Hello all...

I decided to medically manage my miscarriage, confirmed Friday 10th of May at 9 weeks. I spend the weekend reading horror stories and freaking myself out but kept to my decision and come Monday, went to collect the 4 tablets. I had the pills at 1030am yesterday at home, as that is where I wanted to be...and the pains kicked in at 1pm gradually...i had pains throughout the day and evening, like contractions and had pain medication on hand as well... and then went to the bathroom at 10pm to wee and then it all passed and came out...i felt instant relief from the pain and a flood of tears....I am ok. I will b ok and am so so content with my decision against having a D & C. I feel experiencing the pain and passing it was the right decision for me in letting go of this pregnancy...God knows best and I know our time will come..

Thank you for your support everyone x