Help ! Sleep problems


I think my boy is going through the 4 month sleep regression but he’s never slept well from the beginning, he’s almost 4 months and has never slept for more than 7 hours at a time and that was a fluke anyway now it’s ever 4 hours again and when I put him back down he just keeps spitting the dummy out and grizzling he just won’t go to sleep im getting less every day I’m in tears every night I need some help I know it’s a stage he’s going through but this has been going on for ages it’s through the day as well it feels like all day I’m just rocking him to sleep because he fights it for so long then he’s over tired so I’m forever trying to get him to sleep! I’ve tried making a nap schedule that hasent helped because his day naps are so all over the shop, SOS 😭😭