Low ovarian reserve, miscarriage and trying again


So... I know I have a low ovarian reserve because my previous partner and I struggled to have a baby. Upon tests we found out he had azospermia (absolutely no sperm) and I had a low reserve. My new partner and I have been together just over 2 years. I came off the pill in August and on our first try we got pregnant... i couldn't believe my luck! We had a private scan at 8+5 and saw a healthy heart beat. We found out we had lost the baby on the day of our 12 week scan after cramps and bleeding the day before, it was a 'missed mission' and utterly heartbreaking. We've been trying every month since with no luck. As we approach our due date (18/06/19) I am becoming increasingly upset and stressed. Any ideas on what can help? Drs appointment booked, along with acupuncture/reflexology on Monday.

Sorry for the long winded post - look forward to hearing from you xx