Why do i hate kids so much

Okay I’m gonna cut to the chase: i don’t like kids. I don’t like babies i don’t like toddlers or 7 year olds or preteens i just don’t like kids. They talk too much they’re gross they can’t do anything for themselves which is annoying and they’re expensive. I don’t think they’re cute and whenever I’m with someone who points out a cute child I’m just like Eh.

But it’s more than me just being a simple child hater. I was in class one day watching a video of kids saying all the states and when it got to my state the little boy they showed made my entire class go “aww!” But i didn’t feel anything not even a little. I read a book where the main character found out she was infertile and my fellow book fans always say how sad they were for her and y’all i am a book Stan and that character was my girl so I’m always feeling emotions for my book people but i just didn’t feel bad! And i know I’m gonna sound horrible but my friend just had a miscarriage and all of my other friends were so sad for her and so heartbroken but I’m sitting there feeling absolutely nothing! Like why?! (Btw i didn’t make that known—i expressed my sympathy for her) My bf wants to have kids when we’re married and i don’t but i want to want to does that make sense. But every time i think of them i just think of all the cons that come with having them. Am i a terrible person