When things couldnt get worse...

Hi yall there is alot is going on in my life needing to vent so my husband and i just found out we are exspecting in april things seemed to be looking up we were in the process of buying a house after a couple years of dealing with a slumlord we couldnt have been happier. Well we found the house! Yay! Right enough space fenced in yard good schools but a bit on the pricey side. We are in the process pending on this house. Re wind a couple weeks prior( 2 weeks) my son let my 50lb border collie out side while i was cooking dinner i heard a huge screeching sound i ran to see and apparently i walked into a angry mob of bicyclist who were in a head on with our dog and flipped his bike causing a chain reaction with other bikers needless to say there was cops and ambulance calls a huge scene in a small town (late evening dusk btw)... So ffwd to the house the day i went to give our final answer to relator after crunching #s and facts a lawyer calls me apparently the accident caused a gentleman to have multiple fractures on his spine and back... So i turned down the house due to knowing crap was going to hit the fan and our insurance would go through the rough..insurance company says it could take a year to get everything squared away! Another year here ugh! It was a honest accident! How would you go about this stop trying to buy stay in the rental for another year... I feel like these people shouldn't have been riding so late on a back country road and not following road rule did i mention they weren't even from our state??? I accept responsibility of my dog causing the accident but feel like they are going to take us to the cleaners and we sure dont need this stress right now! Advice opinions please no negative comments...