
Katie • ❤Dec- 07/01/16❤Audiology Receptionist👂🏻🏥💻📑

When i eat certain things my gaulstones play up and i get server pain under my boobs and in my back, if i feel like im about to get the pain i take one of my gastro tablets before or after ive eaten. Just found out im meant to be taking my gastro tablets 3x a day and not just when i feel like im gonna get pain from my gaulstones. Im on day 2 of taking them 3x a day and ive got the worse tummy ache ever! I keep passing wind, my tummy keeps gurgling really loud, its hurting alot and i cant seem to go to the loo for a number 2 🙈 does anyone know how long until my body will get use to these 3x a day gastro tablets? Cos im really hoping these arent permament side effects 😔 its getting me down a lot as it is already...