I hate my best friend

She never listens to me and it like I’m her friend but she’s not mine. I’m always there for her and she never even hears me. She makes me feel worthless. She brags about seeing a therapist. She sees the same person I see for therapy and I hate it. I saw the therapist first. Now I have to find a new therapist.

My friend makes me feel like my trauma isn’t valid because she wont even listen long enough for me to tell her. No one knows this, not even my therapist, but I have really bad body image issues and I used to starve myself because I wanted to be skinny.

My friend self diagnoses herself with all kinds of mental health disorders and it really gets on my nerves because if she actually had them she wouldn’t be telling anyone who will listen. I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder not otherwise specified and OCD, by a medical professional.

She is also my only friend. I have a hard time making friends because I overthink everything. I am also being bullied in school and I’ve tried to tell my friend but every time I try, she talks about how people give her a hard time at school which isn’t even true. She makes everything a competition and makes me feel like nothing. Sometimes I do feel like nothing on my own so I don’t need her reminding me.