Husband missed the birth


I’m a little late posting this, but better late than never. Right? 😂 so I was supposed to be induced on April 25 at 39 weeks. I started having contractions on Easter Sunday, but they were very light and inconsistent, so I didn’t think much of them. I went to bed that night and kept having them, but they weren’t getting any stronger, so I still wasn’t too worried. I had a doctors app and stress test the next day (gestational diabetes is horrible) but anyway, I got to my doctor on Monday and the contractions still weren’t very strong, but getting more steady. So my doctor checked me, and I was at a 3! 😭 I was kinda shocked because the contractions weren’t very strong. She sent me home, and told me to come in when they were about 10 minutes apart. We were headed right back up at 7 that night. So we get to L&D and they get me all hooked up, and I’m still at a 3 after contracting alllllll day. By 7 that night, the contractions were 7 minutes apart, and killing me. So I contracted all night, and my doctor came in Tuesday morning at 7am and I was only at a 4. I was pissed. My contractions weren’t getting closer together, and my doctor said it would be awhile before anything happened. so my husband decides he’s gonna run home and meet an appraiser (we’re in the middle of getting a mortgage) and he left about 7:30 to meet the appraiser at 9. At about 8, they officially admit me, and get me moved into a delivery room. At this point, I’m begging for my epidural, and pretty much ready to die. So the anesthesiologist walks in about 9, and gets me all set up, and says it’ll be about 20 minutes before it starts working. Well apparently baby had other plans because just as he was finishing up my epidural I had a MONSTER contraction, and my water broke. So they laid me down and baby’s head was RIGHT there. So I hurry and call my husband, and he’s still a good half hour away. So I put him on speaker, and start pushing. 3 pushes later, my sweet boy was here. 💙 my husband felt sooo bad about missing it, but it is what it is.

Zayn Jacob Anderson was born April 23, 2019

9:25am weighing ONLY 4 pounds 7 ounces, and 18.5 inches long. He’s so perfect and we can’t get enough of him! Especially big brother. 😍💙 he’s now up to 6 pounds 11 ounces and doing great. ❤️