Our month early rainbow 🌈 👶🏻


Last week I was admitted into labor and delivery for signs of early preeclampsia ( which I also had with my older son) after a few days of progressively worse symptoms I was taken in for a c section ( I had planned a section and a tubal ligation) on May 18th at 949 our sweet Charles was born

I was not able to hold him or even see him really as he was taken directly to the NICU with signs of respiratory distress. ( my husband snapped this picture right before they but the cPap mask on him)

The next day(May 19th) after my 24 hr med hold and magnesium drip I was able to go to NICU to see him. They wouldn’t let me hold him which was very hard. They kept saying “next time , next time” I was starting to have a pretty bad emotional experience with it. When I process traumatic things my brain automatically starts to disassociate with the trauma. I talked to a social worker and a lactation consultant about how I felt.

They called and asked why was I not able to hold the baby. Seems like I could have because all of a sudden the next time I went down ( he had not had any major changes BTW) I was able to hold my baby for the first time, his vitals quickly settled back down after he got comfortable on me. I held him for about 2 hours.

This morning we brought our 2.5 year old son to meet his new brother and he loved him so much. He kept asking if we could bring the baby home to “Williams” house. The nurses today were so kind yet again and let my son hold his brothers hand after washing up well !

Charles is currently under lights for jaundice treatment but should be done with that by tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 they seem pretty optimistic about his breathing.

He has has two procedures to get surfactants into his lungs. While he still needs the cPap support he is starting to get better at breathing on his own. His oxygen level is only at 25 and they said once he is off support fully that usually within 48 hrs Babies can come home. I am hoping and praying he can be weaned off the machine soon and can’t be let go within this next week of time.🥰🥰🥰 I am being discharged tomorrow so it will be good to be home and make sure everything is ready for Charles arrival home!