At 40+3 weeks my water started to break at 10:30am on May 21st

At 40+3 weeks my water started to break at 10:30am on May 21st. We headed into the hospital to get checked as I wasn’t having any contractions. We arrived at the hospital at 11:30am and I was taken to intake to test if in fact my waters had ruptured. They confirmed it was my waters but I had not dialated past 1cm. I was told to walk around for 2 hours to get things moving. During my walk the contractions began but were very mild. At 3:00pm I was taken to labor and delivery and at 3:30pm given oxytocin to help progress into active labor. By 3:45 I was in Aftive labor, my contractions were 2-3 mins apart and coming strong and I asked for the laughing gas at 4:30pm.  At 5:30pm I asked them to check me as I felt like pushing, I was at 9cm. My doctor was paged and my baby girl was delivered after about 4 rounds of pushing at 5:58pm. Her big bro was so fascinated by her! 🥰
Elayna Victoria 
8lbs 11oz 
20.5 inches