Nearly 80 pounds down in 5 months


265 to 188

I’m 5’11 as well

So a lot of people have been asking me how I did this and what did I eat, exercise routine etc.

1. You gotta commit like crazy. You’re not gonna lose weight by saying oh I’m gonna go to the gym tmrw or oh today will be my cheat day. No. You gotta go balls to the walls.

2. I work out 4-6 times a week for a minimum of an hour. I will usually do 45min to an hour of cardio followed with weight exercises.

3. I dont eat more than 1500 calories a day and if I do I will make sure to hit the gym harder because in order to lose weight YOU HAVE TO BE IN A CALORIE DEFICIT.

4. Last but not least you have to do this when you’re ready to commit to a lifestyle change because that’s what it is. It’s not some fad diet you do for a couple months then you stop and gain all the weight back. It’s something that you work on everyday till you get old and die. I’m not saying what I do is right or healthy but it’s what has worked for me. I didn’t have cheat days or cheat meals for 5 months. I worked out till I felt sick and till I was sweating from places I didn’t think I could sweat. If you want it badly you’ll stick to it. There is no magic pill or some Instagram tea or shake. It’s hard work and dedication.