Help; Do any of you experience this?

So, jumping right into it- my fiancé is a light snorer / heavy breather when he sleeps, and it drives me nuts. If we lay down for bed at the same time, he has to watch Netflix or do something on his phone until I fall asleep, otherwise I'll be up for hours listening to his breathing. Sometimes it will wake me throughout the night, and I have to get up and go into the living room, but he follows not long after (we're both semi-light sleepers, even if I'm silent as a mouse, he'll wake up from me getting up or closing the door or because subconsciously he knows I'm no longer there). Part of me feels like I can't relax/sleep when I can hear him breathing because I'm still so used to listening for my son's breathing while he sleeps, but its just so annoying 😩 and I feel bad when my fiancé goes into the living room to sleep on the couch so I can get back to sleep, so I guess I'm asking for suggestions on what I could do (for myself or to myself) to make it easier to sleep in the same bed?? Like, I already know the obvious "go to the store and buy ear plugs" but I don't have money rn so 🤷 temporary solution? Anybody?😁

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Posted at
My boyfriend snores but only when he sleeps on his back... it drives me crazy as I’m a really light sleeper. I have to give him a nudge or something so he rolls over onto his side. That usually helps!


Nat • May 23, 2019
I do the same, nudge him 😂 he almost never wakes up from it, just readjusts himself


Posted at
My husband is the same. I will tell him 50 times to stop snoring if I have to. He eventually stops. If he doesn't he gets told to sleep in the spare room.


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My husband snores like a fucking grizzly bear. I'm convinced he has sleep apnea. It woke me all night and if have to make him move into another position. A few months ago we purchased a new mattress and adjustable box spring. The new box spring has a 'quiet sleep' mode to raise your head in such a way to prevent snoring so I laughed and said yeah right this won't work for you.... But let me tell you LIFE CHANGING he hasn't snored a single night since except for the day my son played with the remote and it wasn't on that setting. It was expensive but if you can get a payment plan it's so so so worth it.


de • May 23, 2019


Bird • May 23, 2019
What bed is it?? I SO need one!


Posted at
Earplugs are like 5.00 at Walmart.My dad snores pretty loud. He would be on the second floor and we would be able to hear him in the basement lol. He did go to some sleep studies. My friends husband had a similar issue I think he had sleep athnia (sp) he had to get a special machine and mask to sleep with to help it


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One of you sleep on the couch.


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My husband runs a fan for light noise. I hated it at first (i like quiet sleeping), but its much better than listening to his snoring !


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My husband snores sometimes so I made sure we got a house with a spare room on a different floor. Honestly, I know this isn’t an option for everyone and I do miss him in bed when he isn’t there but a girl has to sleep!!!!!


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I just sleep on the air mattress no biggie.


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This is going to sound weird but suggest to him doing a sleep study to make sure he doesn't have sleep apnea. If he does, it could be the source of his loud breathing and snoring and I cpap would greatly improve his quality of sleep, stop the snoring (assuming he uses it), and they're so quiet!


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My husband uses breathe right strips on his nose and they have made a huge improvement.