Very nervous!!!!

Annn • Mommy of 1 angel 👼🏼❤️ mommy to 3 beautiful babies ❤️❤️❤️

Tomorrow will be my first appointment for an ultrasound this is my 2nd pregnancy the first was a miscarriage. I’m so terrified for tomorrow last time I went for an ultrasound I saw nothing but just an empty sac and got told the worst news ever. Couple days after that i was getting prepared for a D&C. Not just that a couple days ago I began to bleed for a bit no cramps no pain no anything just red blood I got blood work done and tomorrow they will tell me what caused the bleeding. I’m so nervous. First pregnancy I had no symptoms and with this pregnancy I’m feeling everything even have a little more than bloat coming in. I’m just a nervous wreck for tomorrow. I’m currently 8 weeks and 5 days..... 😞