If you had a chance to change the way your countries currency looked what would you have it look like


Recently the 2020 US $20 bill was supposed to feature Harriet Tubman on the front of it but has been postponed. 

It made me wonder what would you do if you got to redesign your countries currency? Who's faces would you put on your countries currency and why would you choose those faces? 

I'd probably do an overhaul of all (well most) US currency of a limited edition, of different historical figures starting from the beginning.. and Change the faces along with what the person was famous for on the back side of the coins and bills,  over the span of like 5-10 years, for people to collect.. like when they did the 50 states on the tails side of the quarters  

Here's my examples:

- the penny: Pocahontas face would be on the front of the penny with a portrait of the historical Jamestown colony on the back and the year 1607 printed on it

- the nickel: on the front it would show "Angela" one of the first African American women to step foot on American grounds, that survived the war of kongo, was captured in West Africa, Forced to March over 100 miles to sea, packed on a slave ship to America and survived 2 pirate ship attacks, and it's said she had survived the second starving. On the back id have the San Juan Bautista ship printed on it with the year 1619 printed on it with the words "slavery in the midst of freedom"

- the dime: Benjamin Franklin would be on the dime, I'd have his face on the front of it and on the back of it I'd have the back of it feature the declaration of Independence with the date: July 4th 1776 

- the quarter: would still feature George Washington on the front but on the back it would have the quote "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." With a picture of the Freemasons sign And the date April 30th 1789 to represent the day he became the first president of the US

- the dollar bill: Would feature Dolley Madison on the front of the bill, as she help define the role as the first lady as a domestic diplomat. She saved original artifacts from the white house while they prepared for the invasion of Washington. She was admirably brave and the people adored her. On the back of the bill I'd have a portrait of her taking command of decorating the white house. With the year 1817 to commemorate the year she had became the first lady and the quote "Habit and Hope are the crutches which support us through the vicissitudes of life"

- the two dollar bill: Nat Turner would be featured on the $2 bill, I choose Nat Turner because he was a rare type to come across back then, he led the Slave rebellion and believed himself to be a prophet. Nat turner was intelligent and religious. He believed he could free the slaves and led a rebellion which ultimately ended with him being sentenced to death by being hanged, flayed, and quartered. On the front of the bill I'd have Nat turners portrait and on the back id have a portrait of the revolt that Nat Turner led with the date August 21, 1831. To represent the beginning of the revolt.. and the quote "Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity."

- the five dollar bill: would feature a portrait of Sojourner Truth on the front, an African American abolitionist and a women's rights campaigner and on the back would feature a portrait of her giving a speech and the year 1851 printed on it with the quote "We do as much, We eat as much, We want as much"

- the ten dollar bill: would feature The Wright Brothers, it would feature a portrait of the brothers on the front of the bill and on the back would be a portrait of the first controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier than air, aeroplane, with the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina with the date "december 17, 1903" to commemorate that event. And the quote "It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill."

-I'd leave the twenty dollar bill to Harriet Tubman

- the fifty dollar bill would feature a portrait of Susan Brownell Anthony, she was the leader in the American Anti­ Slavery Society and later turned her life’s devotion to the women’s suffrage movement, I'd have the date March 13, 1906 printed on it with the quote "Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." And a portrait of her Being fined $100 for trying to vote

- the one-hundred dollar bill: would feature the one and only, Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers) it would be a portrait of him on the front and on the back would feature the magical world of make believe with the date: February 27th, 2003 and the quote "How sad it is that we give up on people who are just like us."

Obviously there's a lot of amazing heroic people out there that deserves special recognition. So I thought that this would be a fun post to see what faces y'all would like to see on the currency in your country, who are people you think deserve special recognition and why are those people special to you? Or do you think that the faces on the currency in your country are already good enough and don't need to be changed?