Pain and bleeding during sex..

This might be a little TMI for some of you so just fair warning. I’ve been with my fiancé for 3 years now and I have only slept with him for the last 3 1/2 years. About 1 year into our relationship I started to bleed during sex. At first, didn’t seem like a big deal and I just assumed that it was due to not having enough lubrication, and it didn’t really hurt. It happened a few times and stopped for a while. Now, for the last year, every single time we’ve had sex I’ve bled afterwards. And sex hurts, specially if he goes all the way in, and sometimes when when I finish, I’ll have a pain sensation from finishing in my vagina. I’ve also been experiencing weird cramping pinching sensations in my lower abdomen for a couple of months now. They happen at least every other day, so I know they’re not due to ovulation or my period.

Before, the bleeding would only be noticed right after sex and wouldn’t continue. The last two months I’ve noticed that the bleeding will last for about a day and a half after sex..

I’d like to clarify that by bleeding I mean bright pink spotting.

I’ve been wanting to have it looked at for a very long time but I’m terrified. I know, that sounds really stupid. But I suffer from severe anxiety. I’m afraid of going and it being something serious that I don’t have the financial means to have treated.. I’m afraid of going and it being something so simple, and feeling so dumb for refraining from going for so long due to fear, or for even going at all. I’m afraid that they won’t find anything and that I’ll leave without answers and for this to just continue.. it has taken a huge toll on our sex life and I feel so guilty. I’ve cried quite a few times we’ve tried due to the frustration.

My insurance is also terrible but I can’t afford any better and I’m afraid of what the bill will be.. any advice is greatly appreciated.. if anyone has experienced this what was he outcome? I know that it’s not likely that I’ll have the same outcome but I like to prepare myself for potential outcomes and I’m not sure what this could be.. lube and condoms has never helped..

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Ask your OBGYN about ovarian cysts


Posted at
You might have an ovarian cyst:( those can become dangerous so getting checked out is the best option. Maybe planned parent hood? They can help you set up something?