Ovulation tests just don’t work for me. 😡

Okay so back story first.

I have a pretty regular 31 day cycle. We are currently TTC Baby #2 for 17 months with 3 miscarriages last year. Found out I have a thyroid issues that is now fixed so I’m good to go on trying again.

So normally I have that ewcm on cycle day #17 and I know to BD to get pregnant. Well this month I had that ewcm on cd#11 that night. Way earlier than normal! I wasn’t tracking with ovulation tests cause it was early. I went out and got some dollar store ones the next day. It wasn’t positive but it definitely had semi-dark line. And this morning i can barely see the line. Did it come and go? Does your line disappear that soon after ovulation?

One month that I conceived I bought the Clear Blue Digital tests. Test and got a peak right away in my normal fertile window.

Another time I conceived I used the dollar store ones that are purple and the lines got semi-dark but never super dark or what you would call a positive and I got pregnant that month. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Last month I used the digital ones again and got 7 days of high and I stopped testing after my 10 tests and of course didn’t get pregnant.

And now this month just seems like a mess. Can you really ovulate a week early? My period was a lot shorter this month as well and not super heavy like normal. Now I’m more confused than ever. So frustrating.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.