Help canna-mama out?

Tiffany • Married💍 Mommy of a handsome rainbow prince! Matthias mommy loves you! 7.5.2019 🤱🏻💙🌈👶🏻

I’m 33+1 with my first baby. I medically use cannabis to keep my seizures at bay. Yesterday at my 32 week appointment i was told that I should quit smoking because the hospital I am delivering baby at won’t help me with Lactation Services and will call the Division of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) if I test positive.

All my doctors know that I smoke because it helps me with my seizures. Back in Feb/March of 2018 I was pregnant and had 2 Grand mall seizures and lost my baby days later. Not saying the two are connected but what if it is? I know my chances of loosing my baby boy at 33 weeks is less likely but I am afraid something will happen to him or I if I have a seizure. I’m scared to quit because I’ve read of many epileptic moms going into early labor due to seizures. I don’t want to risk something happening to him because I have a seizure but I am also afraid of what DCYF will do or say.

Can someone give me some sort of closure ? Possibly some advice on smoking while breast feeding?