My Second Baby Born May 21

Kira • Wife 👰 Engineer 👷‍♀️ Mommy 🤱 9/8/16 💖 5/21/19 💙

Here is the birth story of my sweet baby boy Logan Douglas!

Contractions started strong and frequent and woke me up at 2am. They were 3 minutes apart lasting 1 minute and intense. I called L&D after an hour and they said to come on in! Checked into the hospital at 2:30am. I was checked and told 3cm and baby was really high still. At 5cm the doctor broke my water. Baby came down very quickly after that. My body was shaking badly, especially my legs, it was weird. My blood pressure was very low and I ran out of energy. I asked and was prepped for an epidural (something I didn't get with my first). Well it failed, nothing was numb, but the doctor told me I was ready to push anyways! Baby's heart rate was dropping with each contraction at this point so I was getting worried and just wanted to get pushing for him. I pushed twice and baby's head was out, once more and out he was! Only 5 hours from my first contraction to baby being born!

My husband announced it was a boy and my heart exploded. I wanted a boy so badly. He is perfect and healthy.

Logan Douglas

Born May 21, 2019 (due June 1)

7lbs 3oz

20.5 inches