He said ‘She’s my daughter too!’ 😍😭🥰

I have been sooooo tired lately. My partner, our puppy and I had a big day at my partners family farm yesterday. After we got home, I had a shower and laid down in bed to watch a true crime doco series on Netflix while my partner watched his footy team play on TV in the lounge room. I fell asleep by 7pm while my puppy slept in bed beside me.

I woke up at 9pm to my partner sorting our puppy out. He had fed her, got her some water, taken her to the toilet and put her to bed in her crate.

In my sleepy daze I said ‘Thanks for taking care of puppy!’ He said ‘You don’t ever have to thank me for taking care of her. It’s my job. She’s my daughter too!!’ Then he kissed me on the forehead and I went back to sleep with a smile on my face.

I LOVE that he takes such good care of our puppy and I LOVE that he says it’s his job too and we are equal partners in this. I cannot wait to have a baby with him because I know he is going to be the best dad. I really hope we get our BFP soon.